

  1. Hey,

    I was browsing through profiles like mine and stumbled across your blog. I have to tell you, first, that I am anything BUT an artist; that said, dude, I LOVE your work. I don't know if you're a "published" artist yet or not, but I would highly recommend sending your stuff everywhere that would accept your style of photographs. They are amazing!

    Too, I love your perspective on life; little things that most people miss in their daily rush, you seem to pick up on. Love it.

    Keep up the good work, and keep updating your blog, because I'd like to keep popping by to check out your work!


  2. James - Thanks so much for the words of encouragement. I just started playing around with camera, in late January, and am learning so much. I'm not published or anything but its still a fun distraction, anything to distract me from my engineering classes - ughhhhh!
