Pandora never fails to send new and interesting music my way – months ago Florence and the Machine appeared, and finding that I really enjoyed this song, a buddy of mine decided to purchase the album.
What did Steve think?
“She’s odd, but good”
I agree with Steve’s assessment (however I have still only familiar with this song of hers) – watch the video below and you’ll see why. However his statement of “odd, but good” reminded me of some advice, or rather a discussion I heard a man on the radio have years and years ago. A discussion which has repeatedly been in my mind.
A discussion on but vs and.
He was talking about how different a sentence can become when you replace but for and, the following sentence in particular.
“I love you, but . . . “ vs “I love you, and . . . “
And I began to think about this. How this little change – changes so much – How one negates the sentiment, makes it weaker, and eats away at it, turning love into a condition which can be improved. And do you see what this does to that sentiment, what happens to love when it can so moved?
If you don’t quite see it, look at “I love you, and . . . “ no I take that back, don’t just look at it – say it out loud. For in the saying of it lies your best chance at hearing it – for it seems to be something heard even louder by the speaker, than by the hearer. For when I find myself saying “I love you, and . . .” I find that this requires something on my part, me – saying that I see something in you, which my love for you compels me to address.
“I love you, and you need to . . .”
“I love you, but you need to . . .”
It’s a subtle difference, but one that I find myself noticing, and the more I listen to myself the more I see that the but’s tend to be things which stand in the way of whatever sentiments of mine they follow, preventing their full potential, whereas the and’s tend to be things which act out of those sentiments of mine which precede them.
And by this little syllable, this little change, this one word, the whole nature of the statement is transformed. And not just in “I love you” but in so much more.
Look at Steve’s review
“She’s odd, but good”
now try on
“She’s odd, and good”
Do you begin to hear the difference?
“Yes . . . . . But is it a difference that matters?”
Well you tell me
is it “She’s odd, but good” or is it “She’s odd, and good”