
Here Comes the Sun!

Yeah, I want to live there too

Also, many of you have asked how I take my pictures - I hope this helps explain what I mean by

"Shooting Slugs With a Shotgun"

and yes, I really need a new phrase,
any and all ideas are welcome

Lots of shots, some photo editing, some cropping, about 10 shots for every shot I edit, and then about three edited shots for every final shot I post.

Don't Stare at the Sun

Grassy Knoll Predawn

Grassy Knoll Dawn

Grassy Knoll Predawn 2

Grassy Knoll Dawn 2

Waning Cresent


  1. WOW great job Neil!!!
    Really enjoyed it man!
    Pray all is going well for you sir.

  2. Lance!!!!
    All is very well as of right now, I'm glad you got a kick out of it.
